Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Oh Alex
So, I recently played a game with my friend Alex. He normally plays Leona but this game someone else chose her before he got the opportunity so he chose to play as his old main champ Twisted Fate. The reason Alex quit playing TF is because he never got particularly good with him. So this game was a rarity, he did pretty well. Even with the fact that that he went mid against a Ryze. So we were doing pretty well when teamfights started; the two teams were pretty evenly matched but, there was one pivotal teamfight where Alex screwed us all over. We won the fight, the only survivor was the enemy's Irelia. she was down about half of her health and Alex ults in and engages her. She quickly killed him and then the two of us that rushed in to try and save him. It was downhill from there. We started losing all the teamfights and soon after the game as a whole. I was rather upset with him and after the game his response was, "I don't care dude." So I got really mad and that was the only game I played that day. I understand that it's just a game but it's a game I enjoy and you can't tell me winning doesn't make you feel good no matter what game it is. Yesterday I only played two games. The first game was in the afternoon and, on paper, should have been a crushing victory. Everyone on my team was pretty good. Early game we all won our lanes and when it came to teamfights they couldn't touch us. but at some point this team found the opportunity to push, one by one, our turrets. Scratch that, it was a Xin Zhao. Maybe the reason we won every teamfight was because they were always 5v4. As soon as we finished off they last champ in the fight Xin would appear at a turret and take it out, escaping before we could catch him. Hindsight being 20/20 we should have just pushed after these fights and won. but after 3 or 4 teamfights we found ourselves defending a base where both Nexus turrets were destroyed and when the enemies came into the base we couldn't hold them all off from attacking the Nexus and pretty soon it was GG. Speaking of unlikely victories, last night good ol' Alex was back up to snuff with his main champ Leona. Now, Leona is a tank and speaking of tanks we also had an Amumu, Malphite, and Maokai. so it was little old Meggling Gunner me mid, a tank soloing top, a tank jungling, and two tanks in bottom lane. I didn't do to bad mid against Annie but their Jungling Master Yi got pretty fed. we come out on the wrong side of most of the teamfights, Yi would focus me and after that the tanks couldn't really keep up with the damage Yi and Anne could put out. But as they game progressed the tanks got tankier and started absorbing the damage needed to allow me to pick of the heavy hitters. We push mid from our decimated (well, our inhib had just respawned) base and engage in a teamfight. This time Yi didn't focus me and that's all we needed. we take out everyone but Yi and push inhibitor turret and inhibitor. Then the minions arrived and we pushed both Nexus turrets and destroy the nexus right as the rest of Yi's team respawns. The best part? That Master Yi had to watch us win knowing he could do nothing to stop us.
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