Tuesday, May 22, 2012
I've been a little discouraged playing LoL lately. I have my off games but even games where I'm doing super awesome my team just feeds and just generally fails. I just found a build for a jungling Teemo and I tried it. It seems really awesome but I need tons of practice for jungling phase. A few days ago I had a game like that. Our Caitlyn never connected so we were doomed from the start. I was doing pretty well but the enemy team pushed mid and killed the other three players. So the three of them disconnected at the same time. So it was me vs 5 fed enemies. I tried to get them to push bottom while I pushed top and we'd race. They'd still win but it would be fun. They didn't go for it And they didn't report the rest of my team. I was a little upset about that. But this experience caused me to call forth a distant memory which, once I initially remembered it, all came flooding back to me like it had just happened. A long time ago I played a 3v3 game with my friend Tim. after about 10 minutes the random rage quit. So it was just me, being an awesome player using Heimer, and Tim, Not so good at LoL, playing these three other guys. But then the kiss of death, Tim had to disconnect for some reason. So it's little old squishy Heimerdinger me versus a full team. from here on the other team were good sports, they only pushed bottom. the first "team" fight I managed to kill one of them but then the other two overpowered me. This turned out to be a good thing. I had a bit of gold saved up and was able to afford Zhonia's Ring. (yes this was a very long time ago. This was when Heimer's turrets had a cooldown for placing them and you had three.) So I get the ring and some other pure AP item and set back out to delay the inevltable. They detroy the outer turret right as I got there. I drop a turret and manage to stun two of them with my 'nade. I proceeded to hit them with rockets and then drop another turret. they're all on me, I manage to ignite one and I place my third turret and ult. By this point I have another 'nade but I hit rockets first and two of them go down. the third killed me right after I got off my 'nade and he went down as well. So the fight ended with four of us dead. we all respawn (I got a few items) and go at it again. This time, I emerge victorious. I killed all three of them as they try to take me out. S I push their outer turret and take it down and from there they never recovered. I took all three of them out every time they tried to get me. And that is the story of how I soloed a 3v3 and won with a super squishy champ. When I remebered that all the adrenaline and elation came flushing through me and I won every game I played for the whole day.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Oh Alex
So, I recently played a game with my friend Alex. He normally plays Leona but this game someone else chose her before he got the opportunity so he chose to play as his old main champ Twisted Fate. The reason Alex quit playing TF is because he never got particularly good with him. So this game was a rarity, he did pretty well. Even with the fact that that he went mid against a Ryze. So we were doing pretty well when teamfights started; the two teams were pretty evenly matched but, there was one pivotal teamfight where Alex screwed us all over. We won the fight, the only survivor was the enemy's Irelia. she was down about half of her health and Alex ults in and engages her. She quickly killed him and then the two of us that rushed in to try and save him. It was downhill from there. We started losing all the teamfights and soon after the game as a whole. I was rather upset with him and after the game his response was, "I don't care dude." So I got really mad and that was the only game I played that day. I understand that it's just a game but it's a game I enjoy and you can't tell me winning doesn't make you feel good no matter what game it is. Yesterday I only played two games. The first game was in the afternoon and, on paper, should have been a crushing victory. Everyone on my team was pretty good. Early game we all won our lanes and when it came to teamfights they couldn't touch us. but at some point this team found the opportunity to push, one by one, our turrets. Scratch that, it was a Xin Zhao. Maybe the reason we won every teamfight was because they were always 5v4. As soon as we finished off they last champ in the fight Xin would appear at a turret and take it out, escaping before we could catch him. Hindsight being 20/20 we should have just pushed after these fights and won. but after 3 or 4 teamfights we found ourselves defending a base where both Nexus turrets were destroyed and when the enemies came into the base we couldn't hold them all off from attacking the Nexus and pretty soon it was GG. Speaking of unlikely victories, last night good ol' Alex was back up to snuff with his main champ Leona. Now, Leona is a tank and speaking of tanks we also had an Amumu, Malphite, and Maokai. so it was little old Meggling Gunner me mid, a tank soloing top, a tank jungling, and two tanks in bottom lane. I didn't do to bad mid against Annie but their Jungling Master Yi got pretty fed. we come out on the wrong side of most of the teamfights, Yi would focus me and after that the tanks couldn't really keep up with the damage Yi and Anne could put out. But as they game progressed the tanks got tankier and started absorbing the damage needed to allow me to pick of the heavy hitters. We push mid from our decimated (well, our inhib had just respawned) base and engage in a teamfight. This time Yi didn't focus me and that's all we needed. we take out everyone but Yi and push inhibitor turret and inhibitor. Then the minions arrived and we pushed both Nexus turrets and destroy the nexus right as the rest of Yi's team respawns. The best part? That Master Yi had to watch us win knowing he could do nothing to stop us.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
The Talon Incedent
Well, I just played a game that we were winning. Notice the past tense. Then our Olaf disconnected and everything went downhill. so well lost horribly. Friday I played a game with what turned out to be a four person premade. Talon was mid. First off, he went into lane with no items, so I knew I was in for a rough game. Then at about 5 minutes he goes AFK between inner and outer turrets. When I asked if he was there his friend, a singed, said, "he's on tinychat XD" so he came back on and fed a little bit then he diconnected for real. Again, his friend said that he didn't feel like playing so he quit. So we lost that one. last night I did play two games with my friend Alex. I went 13-1-4 and 5-10-16. The second game I played a little too aggressively but we still managed to win both games. Tonight we played three. The first two we absolutely destroyed. the first game I was 17-9-5 and the second I was 4-3-5. the second game we were not so much outlaned as ganked at every possible opportunity by the enemy's jungling Shyvana but we held up well and managed to pull out a "W".
Friday, May 11, 2012
My anniversary (and yesterday's games)
2 years ago to today I signed up for LoL. This dutch fellow I subscribe to on Youtube recommended it so I started playing and enjoyed it. Along the way I've introduced a few friends to it some of which still play. My brother discovered it on his own through other friends and we started playing together. Those were the good times. Back when we could fill a whole team with friends who were good. Now RJ [my brother] doesn't play because he has a crappy laptop I don't really play with all the people I'd play with that he knew either. Which brings me to the real topic of this post: teammates. Yesterday I played three games. I started playing Tristana 3 or 4 days ago and after 14 or 15 games with her I've gotten pretty good. I'm a big fan of the Yordles, they're the only champs I play. My second game I laned with a Lulu speaking of Yordles. She did pretty well but we got outlaned by a Varus and Soraka. I managed to do pretty well, 7-7-8. Not bad for losing lane but I can pick up the slack latte game. But my last game I had some terrible teammates. So far I've played one game today. It was shaping up to be a fantastic game. It was a Hecarim and me bottom lane vs. a Vladamir. I shut him down early. by the time team fights started I was 9-2-1. But there was one problem, top lane had spent all that time feeding a Teemo and Vayne and middle lane was feeding a Brand. So we won a few team fights early but then the consequences of all that feeding started. Not to mention the rest of my team was super pro so they knew enough to only focus on the tank, a jungling Dr. Mundo, instead of Brand or Vayne or Teemo. needless to say, our victories were short lived. We got rolled. so I started the day on what should have been a crushing victory thrown back in my face by my feeding teammates. I forgot to mention. I went 9-2-1 after Hecarim DC'd and several ganks were attempted by Vlad and Mundo that always ended in a double kill. So hopefully you understand how bad my team had to be to lose us this game. Gonna play many more games today. Hopefully they'll turn out better.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
A Brief Intro I Suppose
I've been playing League of Legends since May 11, 2010. I started this blog a while back and until now I didn't really know what to blog about. So I few days ago I decided since I recently started playing LoL again it would be as good a subject as any so that's what you can expect to find here. I guess I'll talk about aspects of the game and rant about baddies I get queued with and maybe at some point figure out a way to record my gameplay and post some videos of me being mediocre. I do pretty well most of the time but I feel the name of this blog describes my skill level pretty accurately.
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